Miscellaneous Resources

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Center for Family Outreach

212 W Mountain Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Phone: (970) 495-0084
Website: www.tcffo.org/
Services: Provides one-on-one supervision/mentoring, intervention, education, and support services for youth and families struggling with substance abuse and high-risk adolescent behavior.

College Planning Guide for Students With Learning Disabilities

Nursing Career Guide for Individuals With Disabilities


Assisted living for Seniors with disabilities

Fort Collins Commission on Disability

Phone: (970) 416-2525
Web: www.fcgov.com/cityclerk/disability.php
Services: An advisory group that addresses issues affecting people with disabilities. Members are appointed by the Fort Collins City Council and members advise the City Council on disability-related matters.

Community Life Center – The Matthews House

220 N. Grant Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Phone: (970) 449-5191

Family Services – assists families in their pursuance of vocational education, sustainable and safe housing, parenting support, financial budgeting, community connections and aid in the increase of support networks
Education – improves student’s academic skills, intellectual capacity and social abilities enabling them to creatively and practically solve their educational needs and life challenges and to provide career development support to students
Recreation – offer recreation opportunities to children, adults and whole families

Loveland Disability Advisory Commission

300 N. Adams
Loveland, CO 80537
Phone: 970-962-2319
Website Link: 

Recommendations to the City Council on problems relating to handicapped persons and their interaction with the community. In addition, the commission reviews building and development plans and advises city staff on matter of handicapped accessibility.

Early Childhood Council of Larimer County

1730 South College Avenue, Ste. 200
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (970) 377-3388
Website: https://ecclc.org/
Services: Child and Family Services including:
Social Events for Families
Annual conference held entirely in Spanish
Information and referrals
Professional development and quality improvement coaching
Quality improvement resource grants
Inclusion in the child care referral database

Easter Seals Colorado

1656 Topaz Drive
Loveland, CO  80537
Phone: (303) 233-1666

Provides programs for the following areas:

  • Autism
  • Children’s Services
  • Adult Services
  • Senior Services
  • Military and Veteran Services
  • Employment and Trainings
  • Medical Rehabilitation
  • Camping and Recreation
  • Brain Health

Grand Family Coalition

PO Box 1432
Loveland, CO 80539
Phone: (970) 699-2837
Email: gail@grandfamilycoalition.org
Website: www.grandfamilycoalition.org
Services: Our mission is to promote the unity of grandfamilies by creating a place where grandfamilies and services connect.

HABIC-Human-Animal Bond in Colorado – College of Health and Human Sciences, School of Social Work
Colorado State University

127 Education Building
1586 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Phone: (970) 491-2776
Website: https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/habic/what-we-do/
Services: HABIC’S mission is to “improve the quality of life for people of all ages through the therapeutic use of companion animals.”


6833 N. Franklin Ave.
Loveland, CO 80538
Phone: (970) 461-2400
Website: www.mosaicinfo.org

  • Affordable & Accessible Housing
  • Children’s Services
  • Day Services
  • Employment Services
  • Host Homes/ Shared Living
  • Residential
  • Supported/Intermittent Case Management / Support Coordination

Our House Inc.

4223 South Mason St., Suite C
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (719) 477-0109
Email: info@ourhouseinc.org
Website: www.ourhouseinc.org
Services: A non-profit organization that works with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to help further their independence.

Peak Parent Center

917 East Moreno Avenue Suite 140
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: (719) 531-9400
Fax: (719) 531-9452
Website: www.peakparent.org/
Email: info@peakparent.org
Services: Provides families and educators with training & information through assistance, workshops, conferences, publications, etc.

Pets Forever – CSU

300 West Drake Road
Fort Collins, Colorado, 80523
Phone: (970) 491-7984
Website: http://csu-cvmbs.colostate.edu/vth/diagnostic-and-support/community-programs/pets-forever/Pages/default.aspx
Services: Pets Forever is a program which functions in partnership with the Colorado State University Foundation designed to help low-income elderly and disabled Larimer County residents maintain ownership of their pets for as long as possible, and to improve the health and well-being of these pets and owners by providing needed help and resources.

Social Security Administration (SSI)

301 S Howes Street, 4th Floor
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone: (970) 482-7354
Web: www.ssa.gov
Services: Assistance program to assist with paying for basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter for individuals with disabilities.

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)-Poudre School District

2407 LaPorte Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Phone: (970) 482-7420
Website: https://www.psdschools.org/community/community-committees/seac
Services: Assist the school division in providing a free and appropriate education to all students with disabilities. SEAC provides parent education, review of special education programs, and approval of the school division’s annual special education plan.

Team Select Home Care

3855 Precision Drive, Suite 150
Loveland, Colorado 80538
Phone: (970) 206-8288
Website: www.teamselecthh.com
Services: We provide care through the following skilled services: Skilled Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Home Health Aides, and Medical Social Workers.

Tender Hearts Home Healthcare

201 10th Street
Windsor, CO 80550
Phone: (970) 686-2225
Website: www.tenderheartshc.com
Services: Specializing in Pediatric Home Healthcare.

Volunteers of America – Colorado Branch

405 Canyon Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Phone: (970) 472-9630 ext. 11
fax: (970) 472-8393
Services: Grocery Shopping program for anyone who is not able to consistently get their groceries due to physical limitations, whether that be disability, age, or transportation issues, Caregiver Support program to help give a break to those individuals caring for a loved one, and a Handyman Program that assists in making the home safer through installation of grab bars, wheelchair ramps, etc.


Please note The Arc of Larimer County does not endorse/guarantee any service listed in the resource guide. Being listed on the resource guide does not mean that the organization/person/service is affiliated with The Arc of Larimer County. This guide is meant for informational purposes only for individuals/families of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). We strongly suggest that individuals/family members independently verify all claims made by businesses/individuals/services on the resource guide. If you would like to make a correction to a resource or request a new listing, please contact info@arclc.org.