Drugmaker Moves to Include People With Disabilities in Clinical Trials

People with disabilities are often excluded from clinical trials, limiting what’s known about how new treatments will affect those with various conditions. Now a major drug company is looking to change that.

Read the full article HERE

Position Paper on Housing by Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council (CDDC)

On Housing A Position Paper FINAL

Medicaid Expanding Offerings For Kids With Severe Needs

Federal Medicaid officials are issuing new guidance aimed at making it easier for children with complex medical conditions like severe autism and cerebral palsy to access the care they need, even if that means crossing state lines.

To read the full article click HERE

Back-To-School-Tips from Easterseals Colorado

Here are some great tips for a successful school year from Easterseals Colorado:


Judy Heumann – “Mother of Disability Rights” PBS interview

Listen to the interview done by PBS with Judy Heumann where she talks about her disability, her journey, and inspiration for her new books.

Click HERE https://www.facebook.com/PBSBooks1/videos/418695360274607to watch the interview

Google Glass

Google Glass helps kids with autism read facial expressions

Wearing a device that identifies other people’s facial expressions can help children with autism develop better social skills, a Stanford pilot study has demonstrated.

Click HERE to read the full article.